Plato ziet kansen (tv-interviews, 2024)

Is there a duty to be optimistic? And if so, how can it be fulfilled in these times?
At the beginning of this year I started an artistic research project with these questions as a starting point.
This project will contribute to my next book, which will be published by Ambo Anthos publishers in 2025.

In this context, I have the honor to invite you to my first solo exhibition in Arti et Amicitiae (Rokin 112, Amsterdam).
The work consists of:

> Plato sees opportunities

A series of TV interviews, currently in Arti and soon to be broadcast by Salto.

The first guests are the philosophers Jos de Mul, Frank Chouraqui and Maarten van Doorn and coach Tessa Deen, with whom I followed a session with a horse.
Watch the best moments here on YouTube or here on Vimeo.

> Wall text in Arti
On the walls of the society of Arti et Amicitiae I have applied a philosophical dialogue covering more than thirty meters.

> Audience research

Drop by and share your vision on optimism. Or complete this survey.

Visitor info
You can still see the work in Arti until June 28 (Rokin 112, Amsterdam)
If you want to meet me there, these are the best options:

I give four interactive tours
Monday afternoon, June 24, from 12:30 to 1:30 PM and from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. 

Thursday afternoon, June 27 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM and from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Admission for the tours is free, but it would be nice if you would like to register here.

Come to the final on Friday evening, June 28, starting at 8:30 PM.
For this you have to buy a ticket for €10 > book here
During the evening I will present my first conclusions, together with UvA researcher Erika Sani.
Program until 10 p.m., followed by DJ!

Best regards and hope to see you in Arti,


title | Plato ziet kansen | Plato sees opportunities

year | 2024

duration | 19:47 min

tv-show (4 episodes of app. 1 hour, 1 compilation of 19:47 min)

exhibits | Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, Rokin 112
29 May – 28 June 2024

© Marc van Dijk, 2024

Public domain videos can be shared with others as long as the authorship is credited and there is a link back to the website of the author. These videos cannot be altered in any way or used for commercial purpose and cannot be displayed or exhibited without the consent of the artist.